Crochet-Along Survey

Please take a moment to give us your answers to the following questions. This will help us to make the next Crochet-Along even better. Space is provided for you to write additional comments if you choose. Thanks in advance!


1. I feel comfortable that I learned the Basic Filet Crochet Techniques presented in this Crochet-Along.
Strongly Agree     Agree     Neutral     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

2. The course material was clear and helped me learn
Strongly Agree     Agree     Neutral     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

The part I liked best about the Crochet-Along was

The part I liked least about the Crochet-Along was

3. The pace of the course was
Way Too Fast     Too Fast     About Right     Too Slow     Way Too Slow

4. How would you rate our Stitch Videos in this Crochet-Along?
Very Good      Good      OK      Poor      Bad     

5. Where did you hear about us?
Friend     Search Engine     Crochet Group     Email List     eBay     Other    
Please specify 

6. Are you interested in taking our next Crochet-Along, the Little Hearts Table Runner?
yes     haven't decided    no    
Please tell us why 

7. What is your primary reason for taking the Crochet-Along?
Learn new Techniques     Learn how to read a pattern     Brush up on my skills    
I love the pattern     Learn some tips from the Master (Hardy)    

8. From our list of Crochet-Alongs, which one are you
most interested in? (I know it's hard to pick just one)
Little Hearts Table Runner in Filet Crochet
Butterfly Doily with Linen Center
Star Jasmine Doilies in Delta Crochet
Holiday Spirit Doily in Filet Crochet
Florabunda Doilies in Filet Crochet
Rose Doilies in Filet Crochet
12 Days of Christmas in Filet, Thread ++ Crochet
Swan Lake Doily and Curtain Crochet


9. What kinds of patterns are you most interested in?
Doily     Curtain     Table Runners/Tablecloths     Easy patterns     More complex patterns     Other    
Please specify 

10. What other Topics would you like to see in a Crochet-Along?
More of the same, just different items Yes     No    
Holiday Doilies in Filet Crochet Yes     No    
One of the Crochet Designs from our Design Booklets Yes     No    
Crochet-Alongs by Skill-Level (say Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced) Yes     No    
Other; Please List 

Any other Comments you would like to share?

Name (optional) 
Email (optional)  


If you have questions for us, then please send an email directly to Hardy at hassdesign@aol.com

Thank you so much for spending the time to give us your feedback. Together, we can make the Crochet-Along's better. I hope to see you in the next Crochet-Along!

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